Big Ag Food

Is it really so bad? Isn’t this the way we have been eating all our lives and we are just fine aren’t we? Not really. Health and digestive issues caused by genetic manipulation and chemicals have developed over time, perhaps slowly enough that we really just have not fully realized full effects.


I am not sure who originally published this information but you can find it all over the internet now. I found it published as 50 foods you should never eat. I have included a few fairly complete excerpts so as not to change the intent of the author. Note that these are doctors, food editors, well respected PhD Bioscientists and other well respected professionals. Let’s take a look at a few commonly consumed foods.


People have been eating whole wheat as long as you, your mother and your grandmother can remember. However wheat has been so manipulated over the years that it is barely the same grain it was originally. Genetic manipulations took place in the sixties and seventies to increase yield. Dr. William Davis (Wheat Belly 10 Day Detox) notes that “you cannot change the basic characteristic of a plant without changing its genetics, biochemistry and its effects on humans who consume it”.

I for one believe that in general, unless you have celiac disease you should be able to eat whole wheat. However, the changes in wheat is likely what is triggering health problems like celiac disease as well as many other health issues. Dr. Davis believes that all breads are causing a laundry list of problems such as IBS, acid reflux, obesity, asthma and skin problems.

I will note that the semantics of Dr Davis’ claim that wheat has been “genetically manipulated” has been publicly disputed. Agribusiness has claimed that “strains of wheat, created through extensive genetics manipulations, are not the product of “genetic modification.” “ Can’t help but say that sounds literally like double talk to me.



Strawberries, and in fact berries in general, are susceptible to a long list of disease and insect damage. The protective measures used by commercial growers are typically dangerous enough to humans that the farmworkers need to wear full protection suits to be safe if the pesticides are not mechanically applied. In some cases, pesticide is simply added to the irrigation water to protect human workers. And yet, we will eat the fruit??!!

Organic strawberries will likely be smaller and not as pretty. But they will be safe as well as tastier!


Not limited just to green beans, chemical insecticide acephate is commonly used. Leah Zerbe, Rodale Wellness, learned that Consumer Reports has published several findings from 2011 through 2015 indicating that : researchers found that green beans tainted with chemical insecticide acephate—and its breakdown product methamidophos—ranked No. 1 as a risk driver for chemical contamination. Its use on green beans accounted for around one-half of total risk across all pesticides and food.” Green beans in particular are considered a very high risk vegetable in nearly every test since 1992.


Of all the issues caused by genetic manipulation and chemicals, I find the situation with corn terrifying. Corn is so widely used in our processed foods that it literally cannot be avoided in all but the most diligently monitored diet.

Some of this information has become more widely known in part due to work by Maryam Henein and George Langworthy, directors of Vanishing of the Bees. By now we surely have all become aware that pesticides are killing our bees, an essential player in our food chain. If it is killing our bees, certainly we are being harmed consuming it. Worse yet, corn itself has been genetically engineered to produce it’s own pesticide! Plants had already been manipulated to withstand heavy assaults of pesticide, now they are pesticide factories to boot!


We get a triple whammy with potatoes. Insects do love potatoes so of course they are heavily treated with pesticides. Then, to facilitate easy harvest, the plant is sprayed with herbicide so the foliage will die back. And finally, the washed harvest is generally sprayed with mold inhibitor and sprout inhibitor similar to what we use to prevent trees from sucker sprouting. Mom always told me “eat the potato skin, it’s loaded with fiber and iron and nutrients!” And now, also all kind of chemicals!


Nearly everyone has probably heard of the “Dirty Dozen”, a list of the most pesticide laden foods.  Apples routinely make the list.  Talia Fuhrman, author of Love Your Body, states that “apples may contain as many as 47 different pesticide residues on just a single apple.”  Even worse, some of the pesticides are known or probable carcinogens.


Corn chips is just one example of processed foods that have been bombarded with chemicals.  First, we know it is highly likely the corn is a GMO crop and that the chemicals they use on GMO crops kill bees and butterflies, so certainly they are doing serious harm to us also.  Jonathan Latham, PhD and executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project indicates that “Corn destined for corn flour is also usually sprayed with Roundup and usually contain neonicotinoids and fungicides.”  Neonicotinoids can cause memory loss, heart palpitations and fatigue.

Right now your best defense is to buy organic produce and avoid processed foods.  Doing that will support the organic industry, which still needs help to become a strong competitor against big agriculture

Sharon Dwyer